June is Pride Month

May 31, 2023

Pride Month is a celebration to honour and support the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. It’s a time to promote equality and visibility, as well as to recognize the historical and ongoing struggles faced by Two-Spirit, queer and trans people and communities. Pride commemorates the Stonewall Uprising, which took place in New York City in June 1969. The Stonewall Uprising was a series of protests led by racialized transgender women, including Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera. These events served as a catalyst for the queer and trans rights movement and are a significant moment in queer and trans liberation history. Pride serves as a reminder of the progress made in rights and equality, but also highlights the ongoing need for challenging hate and violence and working towards safety for Two-Spirit, queer and trans people.

In the first three months of this year, 6423 anti-2SLGBTQIA+ protests and instances of online hate were tracked across Canada. This number only includes reported acts of violence and harm; there are countless incidents which are unreported and unaccounted for. In reproductive health care, harm takes place for 2SLGBTQIA+ service users when clients' needs and choices are met with discrimination, harassment and hate. Equitable access to comprehensive health care is a fundamental right for everyone, regardless of gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation. This harm also takes place for 2SLGBTQQIA+ health-care providers experiencing discrimination in the workplace by colleagues or clients. Everyone deserves to work in discrimination-free spaces. The AOM’s commitment to gender inclusion and diversity and equity aims to promote welcoming and affirming work environments for midwives and health experiences for clients

To 2SLGBTQIA+ midwives and colleagues who continue to enrich the profession with the unique perspectives, care and expertise you bring to the field — thank you for your valuable contributions to midwifery.

Take action to welcome and affirm 2SLGBTQQIA+clients and colleagues

  1. Check out the Rainbow Health Ontario Service Provider Directory to list yourself as a provider committed to providing competent and welcoming care to 2SLGBTQQIA+people, or search for a 2SLGBTQQIA+-competent provider for a referral
  2. Download a sharable graphic to post in your networks and clinic and check out other 2SLGBTQQIA+ resources on the AOM webpage
  3. Find a Pride event near you on Egale
  4. Check out the Pride Safety Toolkit for 2SLGBTQQIA+ people and allies attending Pride or community events
  5. Get involved with Canadian Caucus of Queer and Trans Midwives’ queer mentorship program