Information for New Registrants

Congratulations on completing your studies!

Before accepting an offer from a midwifery practice group (MPG) there are a number of things to consider and plenty of steps to follow. The AOM has created a Checklist for New Registrant Midwives to help with this process.

This page is meant to assist you with the process of becoming a New Registrant (NR) midwife in Ontario. If you have any questions please email or call:

Diana MacNab, Manager of Membership Services
416-425-9974 or 1-866-418-3773, ext 2232


The AOM is your association and we are here to help.

I have received an offer and am ready to sign a midwifery services agreement

  1. Get it in writing (contingent on the MPG receiving funding approval from the MOH).
    • The practice group you're joining may have based the contract they will offer you on AOM template documents.
  2. Read the agreement, relevant protocols and orientation mentorship plan.
  3. Ask for details:
    • How and how often will you be paid?
    • Is there caseload waiting for you?
    • Call schedules/vacation
    • Practice protocols
    • Is there an opportunity to offset registration costs?
    • Purchasing a birth bag (see the Purchasing New Registrant Equipment page for more information)
    • Availability of hospital privileges
    • Is there an opportunity to join the practice after the NR year? If so when and how will this be discussed?
  4. Get a lawyer to review your offer. This is mutually beneficial for both you and the MPG. Graduates in the NR application process are eligible for Legal Expense Insurance (LEI) through ARAG. ARAG’s LEI provides you with access to legal advice, resources and representation for a range of legal issues, including document review of up to six pages.  

We strongly encourage NR applicants to utilize this service; a lawyer will help you understand what is in the offer so that you know exactly what you’re signing up for. 

Call ARAG’s HELP LINE for unlimited access, available 24/7.  You will need the policy number that you will find on the LEI certificate emailed to you from the membership team when you applied for new registrant membership with the AOM, or further details can be found in the LEI brochure or in the Frequently Asked Questions on the AOM website (log in required).

I’ve signed; now what?

Once you’ve signed, determine with the practice what your registration date will be (note that in some communities, you may need to allow extra time to apply for hospital privileges once you are insured).

  1. Complete the following forms at the same time:
    • CMO registration (submit to the CMO)
    • AOM membership (online form automatically submitted to the AOM)
    • Liability insurance application form (online form automatically submitted to the AOM)

      Once the AOM receives your liability and new registrant forms we will confirm with the MPG that funding for a new registrant is available and will hold these forms until the CMO notifies us that your registration has been approved. At this time you will receive your CMO registration number. Please note that new registrants should not be working prior to securing liability insurance.

      The AOM will email you an invoice for membership fees once your registration is complete and is based on your date of registration. See Section 5 below for more information.
  2. Enroll in the AOM Benefits Trust program within 30 days of registration. Benefits coverage begins on your date of registration. If you have not yet received your enrollment package, please contact Get all the details in the AOMBT Student Midwives Handbook (PDF, 509 KB) or view your Benefits at a Glance (PDF, 54 KB). Questions? Contact the AOMBT:
  3. When you receive your CMO registration number and proof of liability insurance coverage from the AOM you will need to:
    • Apply to the MOH for a provider number. If you require additional support, call 1-800-262-6524. It can take up to 3 weeks for you to receive your provider number. In the meantime, labs can be ordered by another midwife at your practice. You do not need to wait to have your provider number to start practicing. 
    • Apply for hospital privileges at the hospital(s) affiliated with the MPG
    • If applicable, apply for appointment (credentialing) at any Birth Centre(s) affiliated with the MPG (e.g., the Toronto Birth Centre or the Ottawa Birth and Wellness Centre).

What the MPG will do once they have this info?

They will:

  • Notify the transfer payment agency (TPA) of your provider number so you can be entered into the invoicing system (BORN)
  • Begin orientation to the practice

What should be included as part of the orientation?

  • Mentorship and support plans for your new registrant year
  • Supervision requirements
  • Conflict resolution protocol

For a list of things to think about after your orientation, refer to the AOM Template Orientation Protocol (under Human Resources)

How much is this going to cost me?

  • CMO Registration fees
  • AOM membership fees
  • Income tax
  • Benefits premiums:

    Your benefits coverage begins on your first day of registration, and premiums are due one month later. It may take a few months for you to build a full caseload and receive benefits funding. In the event you have low or no billings, and the Benefits Trust does not receive enough benefits funding to cover your premiums, you will be in arrears. You can check your arrears status anytime online in the Member Information Report Portal. For more information, please review the Student Midwives Benefits Handbook and Benefits Funding Model.

Take advantage of your AOM membership

Once you are an AOM member you will have access to a number of additional resources and discounts. These include clinical guidelines and resources, professional development opportunities, risk management resources and discounts on home/auto insurance, cell phone plans, supplies, shoes, etc.

Get involved with the AOM
The AOM is a member-driven association. There are opportunities for various kinds and levels of involvement. We encourage you to attend member meetings either in person or via webinar, as well as the annual AOM conference. Watch for information in the Midwifery Memo announcing dates and times.

The AOM also administers a number of different committees, work groups and task forces. For information on these please contact, Executive Assistant.

Buy Your Equipment

There are many factors to consider when purchasing new equipment. See the Purchasing New Registrant Equipment page for further information and guidance. 

Although midwifery in Ontario is growing steadily, newer midwives may face challenges related to hospital caps on number of midwife privileges available, or total number of births attended by midwives. This may lead to barriers in obtaining hospital privileges, or challenges for midwifery practices being unable to keep midwives on after their New Registrant year. These systems-level issues can present challenges for midwives in their early years to secure long-term positions in the community of their choice. If you need help with hospital integration issues, please contact the AOM policy department.

MPGs may only have approved caseload for you as a New Registrant, but not as a general registrant. After one year you may need to look for a new practice to join. For general registrant opportunities, be sure to visit our Career Opportunities page.

For more information or assistance in this or any other membership issue, please contact:

Diana MacNab, Manager of Membership Services
416-425-9974 or 1-866-418-3773, ext 2232